
I am Gurveen

Web Developer

A Web Developer sitting on desk working on Computer

Let me introduce myself

I am from Indore, India. I started my developer journey with Java to learn Android Development which led me to amazing world of Web Development, where I design & build web applications from scratch.

I am innovative, quietly confident & enthusiastic. I like to learn & collaborate with talented individuals & companies where I can make a difference.

Services Offered

Web Development

Using mainly HTML, CSS , and Javascript, I build fast, responsive & interactive websites. This also may include a CMS, API's or other integrations.

UI/UX Design

In today's age of short attention span, I plan and iterate a site's structure and layout to create a beautiful, user friendly and memorable web experience.

Backend Development

I write server-side application logic and integrate that with client-side application. It also involves designing and building APIs that can be used in both Web & Mobile development.

Android Development

I design and build light, beautiful & robust native Android Application from scratch using Java & Kotlin.

My Skills

Here are some of the Frameworks, Libraries & Tools that I use oftenly

My Projects

A collage of shopping cart, a wallet, a credit card, a shopping bag, a gift, a coupon and a home

Punjab Boot House

A full fledged e-commerce website built with React , Redux & designed using React-Bootstrap with NodeJS backend using Express JS and MongoDb . This web application includes features like Shopping cart, User authentication, Admin page, Payment Gateway, Product Search, Reviews and much more.

Gurveen Singh Web Developer Portfolio


This site is built using HTML, CSS, jQuery & Bootstrap. In this fully responsive, accessible & SEO friendly portfolio along with Bootstrap I used various frontend concepts like CSS grid, Flexbox, CSS animations, gradients and more.



A one stop hub for all things Crypto. Get all the latest prices, stats, info and news about your favorite cryptocurrency. Built with React, Redux toolkit and designed using Ant-design.

Rick and Morty wiki website

Rick & Morty Wiki

An unofficial wiki for popular TV show Rick & Morty. Catch up with all your favorite characters and explore the central finite curve. Built using React and styled using Tailwind CSS.

Codepen Clone

A clone of popular code editor Codepen, where users can write, edit and preview their HTML, CSS and JavaScript code.
This stateful React application uses React Hooks to add features like saving work using localStorage API .

A heading with HSL color value with nine colorful squares

HSL Color Game

For the chromatophile in all of us. This game uses HSL color values to make three fun-filled levels to expand your color knowledge. As a bonus this game is built with React & React Hooks.

An burger with different ingredients like meat, cheese, salad

Burger Builder

A fully functioning Burger Builder application to build, customize, review and place your order. Armed with features like User Sign-in, Orders Summary, Dynamic form generation and validation & more. Built with React, Redux, Firebase

---Android Projects---

Red concentric circles to signify earthquake

Quaker Report

An Android Applicaton built with Global Earthquake API to inform about latest earthquakes, their loacation, epic-center & strength on Richter Scale. Built with Java this apllication shows upto 10 latest earthquakes, big or small around the world.

More projects